Pest Away

This spray is a must for camping, hikes, and we even spray it on our dogs.  Most commercial repellents contain DEET, which is not recommended for use on children. This recipe is gentle enough to use on the whole family. 



10 drops Purification® essential oil
5 drops Thieves® essential oil
5 drops Peppermint essential oil
1 tsp unscented witch hazel
Distilled water



Drop essential oils into bottle. Fill spray bottle with equal parts distilled water and witch hazel.



Gently roll bottle between hands to mix before each use. Spray preventatively on skin, clothing, and hair. You can also spray this on your furry friends.


Which Oils and Why?

In this recipe, we use Thieves® (a blend of oils), Purification® (a blend of oils) and Peppermint essential oils; all chosen specifically for naturally deterring pests and calming the skin.



You can also make a pest spray for dogs. Combine 20 drops Eucalyptus, 20 drops Lemongrass, 20 drops Purification, 1 cup distilled white vinegar, and top with distilled water in a 16-oz glass spray bottle. 

Nikelle Lovaas